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Grease Monkey Products
Lawn Rolling


Parking Pads

Debris Removal
Power Washing
Site Inspection
Lot Clean up

Lawn Rolling

Skid Steer Work


What Does Lawn Rolling Do?


We use a 3000 pound vibrating asphalt roller for lawn rolling. The roller does a good job of knocking down mole tunnels, fixing minor tire ruts,
and smoothing out areas that heaved during the winter. Results are best when there is moisture in the ground.

Lawn rolling can compact the soil to a depth of 10 inches. In a perfect world we would roll all of our clients right after the snow melts or in a after a nice rain.




What Does Lawn Rolling Won't Do?


The roller does not grade lawns. It will not take high places and fill in low spots. It will not fix all tire ruts. The lawn roller was meant to operate on
flat asphalt, so it does not handle hills in a lawn too well. The roller can go up and down hills, but not traverse them. It can climb the hill of a walk
out basement, as long as the slope is not straight up and down. If the hill slopes to a fence we may not be able to go up or down it.

The roller is 36" wide and needs 8 feet of height clearance. We will not drive it over patios, brick walkways, steps, or landscaping.
We will try to get within a foot of all edges and objects

  There will be some properties that we won't be able to roll due to obstructions, hills, and soil conditions.

Lot Rolling Contract Download




Grease Monkey Products will come to your site and Roll your lot

Call us today to schedule a quote


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Grease Monkey Products
Amboy, Illinois 61310
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